Monday, 29 August 2011

A touch of retro glamour!

B&W wedding set

because some images just should be!

brides assistants


gone with the wind

looking over the Dart

making friends with a grasshopper

forever friends

Wane & Amys wedding July 2011

What an amazing wedding! Everything was perfect, the sun shone, the setting was stunning, drinks were flowing, and evan the page boy behaved himself...........well most of the time!
I had a great time photographing this wedding and I think this comes through in my images capturing the fun and community spirit of this wonderful  wedding.

The reaction as the bride makes her first appearance

dont kiss me!

just married 


lucky chimney sweep

attack Adam!

view over the river Dart 

walking bale

the beautiful bride

welly wanging!

may the best woman win

around the campfire


dog sitting

classic cars


The dog could resist getting in another shot 

making friends with grasshoppers!

more welly wanging

best friends

Jack and Jess get on the cocktails

around the campfire

playing with makeup

New blog up and running!

couldn't think a better way to begin the blog than with a photograph of beautiful bride Amy Cocker